I'm standing still, alone on the black top of an empty street. A single lamp overhead casts a sepia tone through the dense fog settling in around me. My eyes look slowly from side to side as I try to make sense of the quiet, peaceful calm I feel despite the horrific awareness that my child has died. The surreal feelings remain as I roll over and spoon his little body next to me in bed, relieved … [Read more...] about The Offers
cultural hegemony
Where To Find Pediatric Cannabis Support
"Diane, please note: Mother gives 7-year-old male patient THC oil to treat his seizure disorder." I'd never seen a doctor speak into a tape recorder before, but then I'd never seen this doctor. I fully expected Peggy Lipton to appear with her wide smile to offer me a damn fine cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie. Trying not to roll my eyes, I corrected the new doctor who was covering for our … [Read more...] about Where To Find Pediatric Cannabis Support
Mythic Mothering In The Upside Down
"Wherefore, the days will come that no flesh shall be safe upon the waters. . . . and the destroyer rideth upon the face thereof.” D&C 61:15-19 When my 3 year-old son became obsessed with The Nightmare Before Christmas I tried not to be concerned. Sure, it’s a kids movie but I don’t know . . . He was just so little and scary movies have never been my thing. I was raised a member of the C … [Read more...] about Mythic Mothering In The Upside Down
Meet Ray
I love a good juxtaposition. I got one for you: This is my friend Ray. He and the rest of the Mirzabegian brothers are responsible for bringing The Realm of Caring and Charlotte's Web, the high CBD oil that is saving my son's life, to California. He also makes THC concentrates for children. I haven't needed to add THC to my son's treatment, but I know a lot of families who have and it's … [Read more...] about Meet Ray
The Hearing
I woke up multitasking Wednesday morning. While making the boys breakfast, I bounced back and forth between Facebook and my text messages. In that exact moment, The Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control was wrapping up their hearing on research and the potential medicinal benefits of cannabidiol. Our community was reacting online. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYOcDouVkG4 If you … [Read more...] about The Hearing
Exploring hegemony with a “tiny little mother mind ™”
I like fancy words. I won’t remember how to say them right and feel silly when I use them, but I love it when other people do. They catch my attention and I always learn something extra. And when I was an anthropology student* there were a lot of fancy words to learn. Each quarter I began to notice that there was always one that would rise to the top, one word that every professor all seemed to t … [Read more...] about Exploring hegemony with a “tiny little mother mind ™”