Despite wearing a helmet, my son’s face was injured when it fell into the table at our first epilepsy support group meeting. Beth was the first person to reassure me. She has a crew of boys and 2 of them are the same ages as my 2 boys. Her son with epilepsy is the same […]
By The Graces Of The Goddess
“Hello? Are you still there?” My phone has been dropping calls lately. The line remained flat until she came up for air with a shallow, pressured breath. She sobbed. My heart fell into the hard stone that was now my solar plexus. With a slow breath, I answered my own question, “I know, mama. I’m […]
Taking CPS Off The Table
Remember in my last post when I mentioned that the California wind is full of bullies these days? When I made my observation I had no idea all that hot air was about to blow my direction. Valerie* asked me to support her during a case conference last week. She is a single mother of […]
Exploring hegemony with a “tiny little mother mind ™”
I like fancy words. I won’t remember how to say them right and feel silly when I use them, but I love it when other people do. They catch my attention and I always learn something extra. And when I was an anthropology student* there were a lot of fancy words to learn. Each quarter […]
Not Ordinary Gold
I’ve been wanting to write about safety and the value of lab testing for some time now and a couple of rattling recent events finally motivated me. First, my son has had a few breakthrough seizures. Since we did just happen to switch to a new batch of his high CBD oil, it felt prudent […]
Aniatos and other rude words*
* My mom’s been known to accuse me of talking like a truck driver. (Maybe even a tattoo shop owner?) So warning: this entry includes mild adult language. About eight weeks ago I found a curious word in an unexpected place. As quickly as it caught my eye, I googled aniatos and learned that it […]
“Just a mom”
Last night at my house I was honored to host a case conference of sorts. Some moms in our group were struggling with their children’s treatment plans so we called in an extra resource to consult. We are very lucky to have in our local San Diego community a mom who has been using pediatric […]
Our family wants to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came out and supported our children on Feb 15th at Flying Panther Tattoo. The fundraising event was a huge success - in 1 day we tattooed over 50 folks, shared our message of hope with families who drove in from all over the […]
Celebrating Our Successes: Upcoming Fundraising Event
Our family’s journey with pediatric cannabis began in February 2013 when our then three-year-old son was diagnosed with intractable epilepsy. At his worst he could have upwards of 75 seizures a day while taking anti-epileptic drugs. Over time it was looking like he may have Doose Syndrome and he failed his second medication. With a […]
Following Hope: Finding Each Other
Late one night in January 2013 I stayed up reading the news and happened upon an article about high CBD and other forms of pediatric cannabis through the inspirational and hope-filled story of Jason and Jayden David. (You can follow their courageous journey here.) I was moved to tears by this father’s commitment to finding […]